Technical Assistance
Iron and Steel Industry

We have a long experience in technical assistance to steel companies, suppliers and steel processors and users, in Latin America.

This includes the assessment of coking coals, and other carbonaceous materials in use in the steel industry, like blast furnace PCI , slag foamers, recarburizers, graphite refractories, electrodes, etc. We are also in condition to support coke batteries operation, refractories maintenance, etc.

The characterization of iron ore (pellet feed, sinter feed, lumps), as well as the study of its agglomeration as pellets and sinter, as well as their processing in blast furnaces and direct reduction units, are part of our background.

In the field of steelmaking, we have expertise in the operational improvement of both electric arc furnaces and oxygen converters (BOF), in relation with cost, productivity and steel quality. Our range of activity goes from scrap preparation and hot metal pretreatment, through steel melting and refining, and continuous casting, to the study of defects in billets, blooms and slabs.

With regards to rolling, we have worked in the optimization of reheating furnace operations, the simulation of rolling schemes, the detection of the origin of defects in rolled products and measures to minimize them.

We can also assist to the development of both long and flan products for specific applications, and to troubleshoot in the processing or utilization at the customer’s site.

The technical assistance may include some of the following tasks: plant visits, meetings with the person or team involved, diagnostics, follow-up of heats or runs, sampling, analysis / tests, discussion of results, conclusions, and recommendations and follow-up of their application.