Technical Assistance
Raw materials & ironmaking

In this field, we carry out troubleshooting and technical assistance of short, medium and long range on Coal & Coke, Iron Ore & Sinter, Lime and Ironmaking.

Coal & Coke

In this area, the assessment of coking coals, as well as other carbonaceous materials used in the Steel industry, as PCI coal, carbon for slag foaming in EAFs, electrodes, graphite refractories, etc. We own models for coke quality prediction, on the base of rheological and petrological properties of the coal blend. We have a long experience in the use of alternative coking materials like petroleum coke, anthracite, asphaltite and oxided asphalt.

We have worked in the acquisition, installation and start-up of pilot coke ovens, with gas of electricity heating, with top or bottom charging, of different scales, and in the realization of research programs using these ovens.

We support the operation of coke batteries, the control of heating, the measures for battery maintenance and conservation, and the refractory maintenance.

Besides conventional slot ovens with by-products plants, we have experience in stamp charging, horizontal ovens of the non-recover/heat-recovery type and formed coke.

We have a background on production and use of foundry coke, recarburizers for the steelmaking and foundry industry, sea coal substitutes for molding sands, etc.

Two of our consultants take part in the Advisory Board of MetCoke Consultants, Cary, NC, USA.

Iron Ore and Sinter

The characterization of iron ore, including pellet feed, sinter feed, lumps, for utilization in coke-based and charcoal-based blast furnaces, gas-based or coal-based direct reduction units and smelting reduction equipment is part of the available experience.

This includes the evaluation of physical, chemical and metallurgical properties, and observation in light microscope.

We have worked on sinter production as well as on sínter and pellets characterization. Our consultants have hands-on experience in the design, construction and start-up of pot-test installations and ancillary equipment for testing.


This item has an importance sometimes underestimated, both in electric and oxygen steelmaking. We have taken part in programs for improvement of the supply of limestone, lime and dolomitic lime, and trained personnel in the sampling and analysis of these raw materials. We manage specifications and acceptation criteria.


We are prepared to assess and carry out conceptual engineering and feasibility study of ironmaking facilities like coke-based and charcoal-based blast furnaces, gas-based or coal-based direct reduction units and smelting reduction operations. Taking into account features and cost of available raw materials and reducing agents, we recommend the best alternatives. This includes independent blast furnaces and blast furnaces for ferroalloys production.